Search our FAQ for answers to anything you might ask.


They do not. When you share passwords with any email, they will be sent a link to create a login. They do not have to pay to access passwords that are shared with them. They just need to follow the link and create a login.

If they would like to save and share their own passwords, they will have to pay for an account. The free login they get is "read only". The updgrade path is simple and easy for those users to create their own account.

Absolutely! In your account settings you can change your plan.

Yes. You can own and belong to many accounts.

For example, you could have a work account that you add your co-workers to, and you could have a personal account for just your personal logins that you need to share with family.

There are 2 ways to do this. You can click the "Forgot" link on the sign in page. Or, you can go to your profile settings to change your password.

In both cases you will be asked to verify your identity.


Without going into detail, we can tell you that your data is taken through several steps of encryption. And then it is divided and spread around to different servers around the country.

To decrypt the password you would need to know where all the pieces are and in what order to decrypt them properly.

Absolutely not! We will never ask you for any of your login or security information. If someone is asking you for your account information it's a scam.

Our employees can't read anyones passwords or access their accounts. The only way to access your account is to know your password and to have your mobile phone for two factor verification.

You can email Howler at howler@passquatch.com and request a temporary account suspension. We will then set up a time to meet with you over video conference, go through several steps to verify your identiy and temporarily suspend the account.